I agree. I want an answer to who is funding Victorian Socialists. In my seat at the last State Election, at one booth there were approximately 15 harassing voters as they tried to enter the building. They were extremely well coached, and once people had been harranged by them, they would refuse HTV cards off others, to avoid another 5 minutes of propaganda. They broke every rule in behaviour towards voters but neither the Booth manager nor the police would do anything about it. They told me they were students, brought down from Sydney, accommodation paid, food etc. (No showering facilities), and were paid each day to attend. Multiply this by several hundred booths, statewide. Even Labor with their union backing would struggle to fund this. So, who is funding this? Are WEF and /or Soros interfering with our electoral process?

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James, Ive had reports from other on the aggressive behaviour of the SA/Vic Socialists at the polling booths. It seems a deliberate tactic to scare and intimidate people, just like their public demonstrations/rallies have the same objective. It's a process of degrading the voting system in Australia which is built around a respect for voters.

On the SA income side, at the last state election the Vic Socialists received around $250k from my recollection due to their achieved vote. This has excited them. I also suspect they receive considerable $ support from several unions and certainly receive in kind support. Remember that may SA operatives/members work for unions.

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Oooh here we go again....it's all Labor and the far left. Nothing to do with the permission conservatives give to people to be as racist as they like. Pick the group you hate and it's all their fault. So easy for stupid people to see things so simplistically.

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No Julie. Read my posts on Marxism. Ive spent considerable time genuinely seeking to understand the modern Marxist arguments and perspective. Their position is one that I find to be destructive of a non-racist development of the human race. Im not ranting but develop analysis based on solid research and facts as they seem to present themself.

In this instance the attacks against jews are not all Labor and the far left....there's more than just that. But Labor and the far left are clearly a major element in the attacks. Labor must look to itself and purge such hatred that exists within. And the far left are pretty naked in their jew hate.

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Thanks for your response. Have read your argument now.

These conferences you talk about sound the same as all conferences of people with something in common that they want to force on other people.

And go to a young liberal conference and they also want to take over the Liberal party because Hayek? Rand? And then there are the fundamentalist Christians who want to also take over the Liberals.

I don’t think any of the Greens that I have seen speak or write would really understand Marxism..they are just making it up.

Poor old Marx.. if only he knew how much he upsets people.

I also don’t know any anti-semites. I know I feel that the Israeli government is run by arseholes who could do better at working with their neighbours. But it’s their problem.

Anyway, I’ve never heard any racist that I talk to knowing anything about Marx or Labor party policy. They just read the headlines like yours and go to town with the idea that somebody clever agrees with them and weave it into their own personal hatreds and prejudices.

I do know anti-muslim racists who burned down the Islamic church in Toowoomba and that was a problem but the violent responses seems to have died down now.

It may be that what you see is a problem and I can’t see it, I still think that it is perpetuating the old 2 party bullshit - both parties are pretty much crap but Dutton is really stupid and we really need to be doing something new. So maybe this time vote for independents and bugger both the major parties. Lets move fast and break things that don’t work anymore.

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Cheers Julie. Thanks for the reply.

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