This is perfectly correct. It is the same battle we fought (and won) in the 2000s. Depressing to see that the forces of insufficient light have refused to accept the umpire’s decision and are using their glove puppet Tony Burke to throw us back into chaos and confusion on who is a contractor and who an employee. And in so many other areas as well. It takes a lot to ruin an economy but the union movement is certainly trying its hardest. I just hope the Commonwealth still has some money left to pay pensions when we fully adopt the Argentinian union-populist model of economic management - Glenn Simpson OAM, Retired industrial relations advocate.

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Hey Glenn. Yes the same battle but the politics have shifted massively.

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Not in our favour. Glad I’m retired.

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I write letters to The Australian (which don’t often get published) and argue with the TV (while watching the ABC). I’m coming round to the view that the only thing that will reverse the current destructive ALP policies is to implement them and watch the results.

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Ha. Im still trying to 'save the world.' On this exercise I'ver got a focused engagement with the independent senators and its a positive engagement. We need 6 of the 7 independents to oppose the Bill or at least those sections we need opposed. Its a tall order and I won't dare predict the outcome but discussions with all the senators and their advisers is proving professional. My only little drama is the ongoing exercise of raising $s to afford the trips to Canberra, but nothing has changed on that front! Welcome to the world of small business. Cheers

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Good luck. My plan is to die before the electricity runs out.

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I'm planning on buying a warehouse of candles. There'll be a fortune to be made. It'll be the covid toilet rush all over again

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Yep Im going to email each of them. My concern is Lambie she pretends to be on board and then she changes her mind at the last minute. The original Turncoat. First she was anti jab then she wasn't and made the comment that the non jabbed should be hunted down..if they the Govt give her something she wants, she will agree to the Bill.

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Excellent. The more communication they get the better. Always good to follow up the email with a phone call asking to talk with the policy adviser. Polite, professional phone calls have an impact.

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So as a sole trader of Beauty Services with no employees, does this mean I am not allowed to work for myself anymore? or I am simply forced to join a Union? I am still struggling to understand this?

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The wording in the Bill declares you to be an employee. But here's the thing. Employee of whom???? your customer. The Bill is just plain dumb and stupid. Its dangerous

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Ok that is what I couldn't get my head around. My customer employs me?

This morning I found this article on the Self employed website that suggests if you do not employ people they will leave you alone. I am also concerned they want everyone nationwide to belong to a Union!

"Self-Employed Australia normally restricts its recommenda/ons and requests to the Senate on the Loophole Bill to issues that we believe have a direct impact on self-employed, independent contractor, small business people.

However, of the approximately 2.2 million self-employed in Australia, some 800,000-plus employ other people. The redefined casual employee definitions will not affect the status of being self-employed, but they will directly impact on those small business people who run their business and who want or need to employ people as casuals. Therefore, we offer the following assessment and analysis of the Bill’s casual employee defini/on to assist Senators in their considera/ons."

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This Bill sees everything through the very narrow prism of micro-managing people in an industrial relations framework. That is, this reflects a 'belief system' that people are incompetent and can't be trusted to be self-employed. I simple raise my eyebrows and seek to keep putting the points!!

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