Australian Environmental Communism – Politically Unstoppable?
Now that the Australian Greens have been taken over by Australian Marxists, is their political ascendancy secure?
I’ve had one follower of my writings suggest that I’ve done enough on the ‘Australian Marxist’ thing! Yes, I’d agree. My Australian Marxism study has been pretty exhaustive. But please be patient and allow me this one last ‘fling’ before I give the issue a rest for a while!
In this post I want to consider the threat posed to Australia by the organised Marxist forces principally operating under the guise of the Australian Green Party.
First, why do I see this as so important given that my ‘bag’ is the rights of self-employed independent contractors? The answer is pretty simple.
The Marxist agenda is to subsume the rights of the individual to the authority of class-based (race, sexual etc) collective control. Self-employed, independent contractors are the living embodiment of everything Marxists seek to destroy. That is, self-employed people are self-directing decision-makers who exert control over their own working lives. They (we) are micro-capitalists. Marxists need to destroy our right to be independent. They look to implement that agenda in as many diverse ways as possible.
Their primary tactic is to create division, hatred and a sense of social collapse to engineer a mindset of panic and crisis.
In my last Substack post, Smash Israel. Smash Jews. Smash Capitalism (12 October), I argued that the hatred of Jews on display in Australia has two elements to it. First, a genuine hate lust transported to Australia from that ‘complex region called the Middle East’. Second, the use of that hate lust by Australia’s home-spun Marxist organisation, Socialist Alternative, to pursue the destruction of Australian capitalism.
In an earlier post, The Greens, Marxists, CFMEU – Violence (17 September), I made the observation that The Greens are no longer an environmental political party. I explained how The Greens were targeted and successfully taken over by Australian Marxists. There’s documented evidence of this. The Greens could now be described as a party of environmental communism.
The question I now pose is whether the anti-capitalist Socialist Alternative Marxists, now controlling and operating through The Greens, is likely to be politically successful.
At the Queensland state election held just last Saturday (26th October) The Greens are likely to lose one of their two state seats. They had heavily targeted additional seats which they thought they could win but failed. As a consequence there has been speculative media commentary that The Greens are now in political trouble. In other words, the federal seats which The Greens currently hold in Queensland are likely to be lost by them at the next federal election (due by May 2025). Further, that this could indicate a national trend.
On current polling of federal voting intentions the general consensus is that a hung parliament is a strong likely outcome. That is, that the Labor Party won’t have enough seats in the House of Representatives to form government and could be forced into a coalition with The Greens. Already the Albanese government is heavily dependent on a shaky and combative (informal) ‘coalition’ with The Greens in the Senate to pass legislation.
But look again at The Greens’ Queensland election results. On current counting (28 October), the state-wide Greens vote actually went up by 0.7 per cent. State-wide they achieved 9.5 percent of the vote. The loss of Queensland state seats occurred because the Liberal National Party (LNP) preferenced Labor over The Greens. At the previous Queensland election, the LNP gave preferences to The Greens, thereby delivering The Greens those seats. Further, The Greens’ state-wide vote is deceptive as to their real electoral success. The Greens are very good at concentrating their voter support in key targeted seats, usually securing over 30 per cent of the vote in such seats.
My observation at this point is there is no reason to believe that The Greens are on a slide in terms of their political ‘grunt.’ The Greens know and understand their target market very well. Their shift, particularly this year, from being an environmental party to pursuing environmental communism appeals to their support base. The Greens clear support for the Jew haters in our community is well targeted. This fits the Marxist narrative that Jews are prime capitalist exploiters and that Israel is a colonial power. The Greens’ pursuit of division and hatred in the Australian community does not appear to have adversely affected them in their key targeted seats. In fact, it may have consolidated their support.
There’s another factor at play.
The Albanese government’s ‘war’ with, and takeover of, the construction union (the CFMEU) is likely to result in huge sums of money flowing to The Greens for organisational support and election campaigning.
In CFMEU–What the heck is going on? (August 2024), I explained that, on my assessment, the Albanese government’s legislative takeover of the CFMEU occurred because in April (2024) the then-head of the CFMEU, John Setka, had declared that he was going to take control of the ALP. Being one of the wealthiest and clearly the most aggressive and mafia-style corrupt of Australian unions, the prevailing Labor establishment took the declaration seriously and moved to kill off the threat. I’ve described this as The Left at war with The Left. That is, competing shades of Marxism hate each other and always come to blows.
But there’s more to this inter-Marxist war. There are massive amounts of money involved. I described in 2023 how Australian socialists have captured Australian capitalism. In fact it’s probably truer to say that the socialists have become the capitalists. A recent Robert Menzies Institute newsletter detailed this very well stating:
“…worker entitlement funds, industry superannuation funds, employer payments, and government handouts … have allowed unions to amass over $1.8 billion in assets and an annual income exceeding $828 million… Major unions like the CFMEU, CEPU, AEU, and UWU have greater net income and net worth than many ASX listed companies.”
At this level, the battle within the Labor movement over control of the Labor Party is really a battle between competing socialist/Marxist ‘capitalists’ (an apparent contradiction in terms but true) over who controls and extracts money from Australian workers’ savings. The battle is perhaps not so much about ideology but more about massive money grabs.
Still, out of this complex, political, money-grabbing mix The Greens look like being winners. The CFMEU has long been a funder of The Greens, either directly or indirectly. The Albanese government’s takeover of the CFMEU has induced white hot anger in other unions, particularly the wealthy and powerful electrical trades union (the ETU) and the AMWU. It’s been described as a Labor civil war with unions splitting from the unions’ peak body, the ACTU.
Out of this internal Labor war I’d expect to see enormous resources (money and organisational support) to be directed to The Greens by the Albanese-hating unions. The strategic thinking from these unions presumably would be that if the ALP were forced into a coalition with The Greens, then the Albanese-hating unions would exert massive pressure against the Labor government. Such pressure could be sufficient for these unions to move forward with the takeover of the ALP in line with John Setka’s ambitions.
Is this a massive mess? Yes! But it’s pretty typical, in a general sense, when Marxists/socialists are in political ascendancy anywhere.
The conclusion I draw, at this stage, is that it would be naïve to think that The Greens and the Marxist socialist agenda for Australia is weakening. If anything, it may just be warming up.
An Interesting counter trend? News from Austria (That’s the land of The Sound of Music, not Australia ‘the land of sweeping plains’.)
At the most recent Austrian election (29 September 2024) the Austrian Greens Party vote dropped to 8 per cent, resulting in them losing a swag of seats. Up until then, The Greens had been in the coalition government but are now in the parliamentary wilderness. The drop in the number of votes has been rapid, given that in the July 2024 European elections Austrian Greens scored 11 per cent of the vote. The Austrian election reflects a recent shift across Europe away from the Left and Greens.
"If anything, it may just be warming up." Subtly, cleverly, hardly recognised Marxism is winning widely.
I have green relatives (by marriage 🤪). They don’t understand that they vote for Marxists but these communists cleverly appeal to their sensibilities - via the all encompassing gender/race/sex identity thing 😩 all while they enjoy the trimmings of the seemingly declining west 😤
I love your work Ken. Please keep writing about Marxism in Australia. There isn’t enough writers doing so.