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You are self-employed. This is more than a job to you, but a lifestyle, a passion. If you do not speak up for yourself… who will? I do! My name is Ken Phillips. I am a voice for us, self-employed people. By subscribing you can find that voice in my articles written regularly for Substack. 

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Self-employed people are a disparate, disconnected community, pretty much ignored by governments. Too often ‘we’ feel alone. But subscribe and become part of a community of people who share your interests.

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Analysing the challenges and opportunities facing the self-employed community and beyond;


I’ve been an advocate for the rights of self-employed people for over 30 years. I formed Self Employed Australia. https://selfemployedaustralia.com.au/ in 2000 but work also with global partners on advocacy. Happy to chat directly +61 412 393 692