Let’s chat about - Self Employed. Marxism. Corruption. Not Above The Law
If you’re ‘into’ or curious about these topics here’s a deep dive chat that you might enjoy.
If you’ve been following my recent Substack posts you’ll see I’ve been pretty busy doing a keen study of modern day Marxism. I’m seeking to genuinely understand the thinking of the Marxists’ view of life. I hope that the three Substack articles I’ve done on Marxism Conference 2023 provide an accurate picture. I’ve tried to avoid making comment.
But comment is needed. And just this last week I appeared on Discernable, an on-line blog television channel run by Matt Wong. Matt’s a true self-employed, small business innovator. He’s invested his own money, time and effort to pursue a vision that says that media news and issues coverage doesn’t have to be slogan-slamming but can undertake patient, intelligent coverage of issues.
If you haven’t watched Discernable it’s ground-breaking. The long (frequently 2 hour) interviews are engaging, addictive and binge-watchable. The stories that come from Matt’s guests are fabulously insightful.
Matt interviewed me this week along with my buddy Nick Karamouzis who’s chair of Self Employed Australia. (SEA is our advocacy org dedicated to defending everyone’s right to Be Your Own Boss.)