I’m about to take a step into a new journey and I’m hoping you might like to join me. Let me explain.
For those of you who followed me, at least for some of my long 25-year journey with Self-Employed Australia (SEA), you’ll be aware that I like to focus on practical outcomes that defend the right of people to be self-employed, to be their own boss. This, in fact, means ‘being in business’.
In April this year we waved goodbye to Self-Employed Australia. Circumstances had moved on with the Albanese government’s new industrial relations laws defining and treating large numbers of self-employed small-business people as employees. Effectively, these new laws seek to unionise small-business people.
I decided to ‘throw my lot in’ with Red Union, a non-party union made up of nurses, doctors, teachers, police and so on. Red Union doesn’t support or make contributions to any political party. It focuses on looking after its members. Wow—how about that!!! Doing what a union should do.
The next step
Now with the backing of Red Union I’m about to do something that might seem counter-intuitive. I and a small team have been working for months to develop, and we’re about to launch, The Business Union. Yes, a union for people who are in business!
Yes, this is different. But this gives us a platform to respond to the idiotic direction that the Albanese government has chosen to push Australia on this issue.
We’re soon going to launch a new Substack site. And I would like to include you on the emailing list so that you receive updates and know and understand the campaigns we run. (You may unsubscribe at any time.) This will be in addition to my usual Ken Phillips Self Employed Substack, but with a sharper, advocacy focus.
Here are the major policy campaigns we’ll be involved in:
Legislation to require the Australian Taxation Office to be subject to ‘rule of law’ behaviour. This will build on the long campaign we’ve run through SEA.
Defence of ride-share (Uber, etc.) and other owner-drivers from the money-grabbing ambitions of the Transport Workers Union.
Change current industrial relations laws to remove self-employed (business) people from employment regulation. That is, defend the right to Be Your Own Boss.
Stop loan sharks financially ‘eating up’ small-business people who find themselves under stress.
These are all major, ambitious objectives and campaigns. You’ll soon receive the first of our new posts. I hope you’ll join us on this journey. We simply can’t sit back and allow the attacks against the right to be self-employed to go unchallenged. This is about defending the freedom to choose how we work.
Tom. All this year Ive been working on the underpayment of coal miners in NSW and Queensland. Here's the website link https://iwua.redunion.com.au/coal-wage-theft-one We've done a membership drive into the coal mines, have obtained members and assessed their underpayments and lodged these with the Fair Work Ombudsman who is investigating. Here's the thing, the underpayments happened because the CFMEU (mining) signed off on enterprise agreements that enabled the underpayment. Its corruption on a massive scale. So we (Red Union) are doing something about it.
Now with CFMEU construction, particularly in Vic, obviously the criminal corruption is through the roof. Would we, Red Union /Business Union look to expose this and get involved. Yep is the answer, if we can identifiy issues where the workers are getting screwed (not hard) and if we getc membership. Happy to chat and explore 0412 393 692 Ken
Don’t know if my elderly father will talk to me ever again if I tell him I joined a red union…