Australian Jews: Victims of domestic Left politics.
Attacks against Australian Jews is heavily the result of internal 'war' within the Left of Australian politics.
The fire-bombing of the Adass Israel Synagogue in Melbourne last week (6 December 2024) marks a serious, downward plunge into a nasty gutter for Australia politically and culturally. And now that Australia’s security forces are investigating this as a likely terrorist attack, I hope that their focus is broad.
If the authorities simply focus on, say, as one example, individuals who have been radicalised on-line either within parts of the Muslim community or outside, they will miss a major substantial related cause. Australia is in the throes of an organised, well-funded attack against how it operates as a peaceful society. I’m not being conspiratorial. I’m being factual. I’ll lay out some facts and let you see what you think.
The broad attack I speak of is not external but is now deeply embedded within key parts of the politics of our society. The terror being directed towards the Australian Jewish community is the gravest manifestation of this.
Let me see if I can pull the threads together from what might seem to be unconnected events. What, for example, does the recent warehouse strike against Woolworths have to do with the Melbourne synagogue bombing? Surprisingly, it’s relevant, although only indirectly. I’ll explain below.
My initial observations of the broad attack I am writing about here were originally low-key concerns. I surmised that the ‘normal’ political processes in Australia would resolve conflicts over time. But my concerns were heightened with the vandalising of the office of the Jewish Labor MP Josh Burns in Melbourne earlier this year. His office wasn’t just sprayed with anti-Jewish graffiti. The underground phone and internet communication cables to his office were externally accessed and physically severed. This shows a substantial level of knowledge, planning, organisation and coordination. This can’t have been done by some ‘radicalised wayward kids’. There was intent in this. The synagogue firebombing may have required substantial planning as well. Put the two ‘events’ together (along with vandalization of other Jewish property) and although I sincerely hope I’m wrong, I consider that events are pointing towards potential targeted, politically motivated assassinations. I’m not saying this to be sensational. Rather, I’m trying to be frank.
There are a number of elements that could be considered disconnected but which in fact can be pulled together into a picture.
I’ve written extensively about the peak Marxist organisation in Australia, Socialist Alternative, and its political party the Victorian Socialists. (You’ll be aware I attended their conferences in 2023 and 2024 to study them.) Socialist Alternative has some 600 to 800 members Australia-wide. Although seemingly small in number, its members are deeply embedded as paid operatives in a range of Australian unions, state and federal public services and the administrative sections of a number of universities. This became clear at the conferences. On any assessment they are sophisticated, canny operatives.
Since the Hamas massacre of Israelis on 7 October 2023, Socialist Alternative has been the primary organisers of the anti-Jewish ‘occupations’ at Australian universities. It organises and runs, for example, the weekly Sunday anti-Jewish rallies in Melbourne’s CBD in partnership with others.
This year, around April 2024, it effected a takeover of the committees and administration of The Greens. This Socialist Alternative takeover is now reflected in the stated polices of The Greens, which has essentially ceased to be an environmental party but one which aims for a Marxist-style overthrow of Australian capitalism. I’ve written about this in some detail.
The principal operating strategy of Socialist Alternative is to identify community groups that feel passionate or inflamed about an issue, align itself with the issue and group/s, provide organisational capacity (such as with noisy demonstrations, media management and so on) and to whip up the passion and anger of the targeted group/s. Again, I’ve explained this in previous Substack posts. Socialist Alternative is opportunistic in doing this.
Socialist Alternative’s current priority target is groups inflamed over the Palestine issues following the October 2023 massacre. The vehement antisemitism now on ugly display is fomented within the Palestinian supporter groups but is intentionally whipped up by Socialist Alternative.
Socialist Alternative utilises any issue to foment anger and dissent—be it LGBTIQ+, the ‘boiling’ planet and so on. Antisemitism is the violent pinnacle of its strategies.
But it’s not only the marxists of Socialist Alternative who are directly attacking our hitherto cultural and political ethos of harmony. The Australian Labor Party, or more generally the broad labour movement, is now embroiled in this dirty mire and struggling mightily to manage the mess.
As I’ve previously documented, the labour movement is now the primary capitalist establishment in Australia. Its control of Australian workers’ savings through the compulsory superannuation system and specifically the Industry Superannuation Funds is key to this.
What is now underway is a huge Labor/socialist battle over control of the billions of dollars of locked-up workers’ savings. This battle ‘exploded’ into full view during 2024. In my view Socialist Alternative and The Greens are predictable key players in this battle. This is enabled through their deep connections with, involvement in and the holding of paid organiser positions in key unions.
And there’s a lot of dirt now starting to emerge as to how workers’ savings are being rorted.
For example, recent disclosures of rorting and mismanagement of the workers’ funds in the giant Industry superannuation fund CBUS is, I predict, only the beginning of the scandals. When billions of dollars under management are not subject to, at minimum, the levels of disclosure and accountability required of listed corporations and/or government entities, as is the case with the Industry funds, trouble is bound to be brewing.
I contend that the seeds of rolling, massive Ponzi-type scandals are germinating in the Industry Super Funds. In short, key parts of the Australian superannuation system are commercially and financially compromised and surely major corruption must lie just under the surface.
And while on this ‘corrupt’ theme, the work I’m doing concerning the decades-long systemic underpayment of casually employed coal miners is an eye-opener. I’ve never seen such hard evidence of where the ‘system’ (unions, employers and the Fair Work Commission) have cooperated (colluded?) to ‘authorise’ massive underpayment of workers. That is, coal workers have been, and are being, paid substantially less than award requirements.
This coal workers underpayment further emboldens my sense of a superannuation Ponzi-style scandal in the making. The ‘system’ has multiple layers of potential corruption!
Then there is the ‘small’ issue of the penetration of the construction union, the CFMEU, by criminals, in particular bikie gangs. That the Australian construction sector is built around payola and bribery is well documented. But the ‘genius’ of the bribery system is that much of the payola and bribery is ‘legalised’. Construction firms pay money into ‘required’ union superannuation, redundancy, long service leave and other funds. In return, those firms receive monopoly-style access to construction jobs, effectively eliminating competition. The firms profit from the legalised payola and bribery.
But egos, ambitions, personal hatreds and greed have thrown the ‘system’ into chaos. I’ve been surprised by the speed of developments in 2024.
This money-making grand scheme has fed money and organisational resources into the political Labor machine for a long time. All legal of course. But this year (April 2024) the then head of the CFMEU threatened to take over the Australian Labor Party. In effect, a political coup.
This CFMEU coup attempt threatened not only the political arm of Labor but also the labour establishment’s control of capital (and Australian capitalism) via the superannuation funds and others. The ALP moved to cauterise this threat by taking control of the CFMEU and sacking large numbers of incumbent CFMEU paid operatives. The result of this has been fury from the sacked CFMEU operatives. But it also generated fury from the CFMEU’s union ‘buddies’—mainly the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) and the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU)—who fear the same takeover could happen to them.
There is now a violent reaction (and I mean physically violent) coming from sacked CFMEU bikies and known criminals and ‘mates’ in associated unions. And major sums of money are now being withheld from the ALP and instead being directed into alternative actions, including legal appeals against the CFMEU takeover. However, we can expect huge resources to be poured by these unions and ex-CFMEU operatives into alternative political entities.
Predictably, the principal beneficiaries should be The Greens (recently remade in the marxist mould by Socialist Alternative) Socialist Alternative itself, but also fledgling Muslim parties. The ALP and the labour monied establishment are now under attack from multiple, well-resourced directions—all from within their own broad camp.
Here’s where the threads of recent events start to pull together. What’s revealed is a moving quagmire of warring groups and alliances mainly battling for control of massive sums of money sourced both corruptly and ‘legally’. It’s a battle of the political Left against the political Left against the political Left. The prize is political dominance to determine who controls great swags of the wealth of Australia through control of political and government institutions.
The players can be summarised as follows. The broad monied Labor establishment controlling big bags of Australians’ savings. The disaffected unions recently excluded from the money flows or fearing exclusion. The criminals and would-be criminals sucking off the teats of such unions. The ambitious marxists of The Greens and, in the shadows, the string-pulling Socialist Alternative. Combine this with the whipped-up raw emotions of pro-Palestinian, anti-Jewish groups and individuals and the boiling cauldron is dangerously toxic.
The federal ALP itself is in obvious panic over this. It is desperate to appease the anti-Jewish Muslim communities in key ALP-held electorates. This has resulted in historical shifts in Australia’s long-held United Nations positions on Israel and Palestine.
And where does my reference to the Woolworths strike fit into this? Well, it transpires that the strike was organised by the union in partnership with the Victorian Socialist Party, the political arm of Socialist Alternative. See the pattern? Nothing is haphazard. What appear to be unconnected events are in fact pieces of a jigsaw puzzle forming a picture.
So what’s my observation? The politics of the Left, which controls the labour movement and huge critical chunks of the Australian financial system, has been deeply penetrated by the hard Marxist Left seeking to foment revolution (they call it ‘change’) in Australia. Introduce violent organised criminals and emotively charged Palestinian supporters into this mess and the result is a boiling cauldron of extreme trouble. Essentially the political Left are at war with themselves, and no-one has control.
This toxic environment has resulted in the targeting of Jews and continues to do so.
To the security authorities of Australia I say, ‘be aware’. The potential for terrorism in Australia is not only that imported from the incomprehensible complexity of the Middle East. Incomprehensible complexity is alive and at play in the Left of Australian politics. All that’s needed is that some emotionally charged individuals merge with the criminal elements in the mix, find political justification, succour and seeming confirmation in violent political action and the results could be catastrophic. I witnessed such raw and irrational emotion at the Marxism conferences in 2023 and 2024. It’s real. And it looks as though it is ready to spiral out of control.
Fingers crossed Christopher relevant authorities will investigate. All we can do is point out the issue
Partially true. It is also a product of the Islamic Pro-Hamas Followers who are running wild in Australia.