America where under Trump?
I summarise the key points from the 2024 Republican Platform. Its time to look at these closely to understand a world under Trump.
Let’s assume that Donal Trump is on a trajectory to be inaugurated as President of the United States, on the steps of the US Congress on the 20th January 2025. What will be the future of the USA and the world after that date? On any reading of the 2024 Trump Republican Platform, things are going to be hugely different.
Rather than relying on media commentary I’ve gone to the source of The Republican manifesto the 2024 GOP Platform Make America Great Again. From the manifesto released on 8 July 2024, I’ve put together a summary of what seems to me to be the key points of action. I thought you might be interested.
In putting together this summary I’m looking to simply gab the facts of their policy. First however here’s some of my impressions of the context in which this policy can be read.
When Trump stood for and won the 2016 election and served as President for 4 years, he lead a divided GOP (Grand Old Party). There seemed to be many people in the Republican movement even at the most senior levels, who disliked Trump and opposed him. This time the impression is that Trump has effectively taken over the GOP and remodelled it in his image. For this reason, I suspect that a second Trump Republican agenda should perhaps be taken even more seriously than the first. He is likely to be more effective in implementation than during his first presidency.
The Make America Great Again policy is a clear statement of policy intent. In the 2016 election I can’t recall Trump putting out a policy statement anywhere as near as clear and comprehensive as this one. There was then immense reporting focused on the nastiness of Trump. That focus by his Democrat opponents remains today, but Trump has toned down his vitriol. This perhaps allows a greater concentration on what he intends to do.
I’ll allow the content of the policy to speak for itself. But just in terms of the ‘culture wars’ in the USA on it’s own, the GOP policy promises a huge shift. It’s quite dramatic.
The style and language of the policy is directed to, let me say, ‘practical people’. This is not some academic or intellectual explanation of public policy concepts. The most repeated term is ‘common sense.’ Its sub-heading is ‘A Return to Common Sense.’ The policy makes twenty promises. You can read those on page 4 of the policy. It then has 10 chapters.
My summary
I’ve focused on the 10 Chapters which cover policy themes. Each theme details practical action. But a number of the actions are repeated throughout. For example, deporting illegal Aliens is seen as action against inflation, which is good for reducing health costs and assisting seniors.
Below I’ve listed what seem to be the main actions. Following that I’ve selected quotes from each chapter. Hopefully this gives you a ‘ready reckoner’ of the Trump Republican agenda.
Key actions
Lift restriction on US energy production including gas, oil, coal and nuclear.
Slash ‘wasteful’ government spending.
De-regulate. Transparency in rule-making.
Build the wall. Shift law enforcement to border control.
Deport illegal Aliens focusing on gang/cartel members, drug dealers.
Trafficked children returned to their families in their Home Countries.
US Navy to impose a Fentanyl Blockade.
Merit based immigration
Cut taxes
Fair Trade deals through re-negotiation.
Low energy costs
Supply chains back to America
Ai ‘rooted’ in free speech.
‘near earth’ manufacturing industry, back to the Moon and onto Mars.
Reduce mortgage rates
Open land for housing.
Home ownership tax incentives
Alternate affordable College degree options
Affordable healthcare and prescription drug options
Tariffs on foreign made goods
Revoke China’s Most Favored Nation status. Stop China buying US Real Estate and industries.
Cancel Bidens electric vehicle mandates. Stop Chinese vehicle imports.
Aged care in home. Tax incentives. Chronic disease prevention focus.
End teacher tenure. Merit pay for teachers.
Allow different educational models. School choice. Tax incentives. Home schooling.
Education for jobs, work experience.
Expose politicised education. Defund political indoctrination.
School discipline. Suspend violent students.
Parental rights. Stop schools race discrimination.
Civics education.
Close Federal Education Department. Education back to the states.
Families at the centre of culture
Strong police. Protect police from lawsuits.
Address homelessness
End illegal immigrant luxury housing. Use savings to provide shelter and healthcare for veterans.
Support Jewish people from antisemitism
Classic Liberal Arts education
Defund censorship institutions.
Religious liberty
Oppose late term abortion. States decide
Men out of womens’ sports.
Election reform, paper ballots etc.
Rebuild military to counter China and terrorism. US most powerful military
Revitalise defence industry
Strong alliance with partners who invest in defence.
Stand with Israel. Alliance network in middle east.
Strong Indo-Pacific Alliances
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
2024 GOP Platform Make America Great Again.
Key exerts from the 10 chapters
1. Defeating Inflation
… by lifting restrictions on American Energy Production and terminating the Socialist Green New Deal. Republicans will unleash Energy Production from all sources, including nuclear, to…
… slashing wasteful Government spending …
…reinstate President Trump's Deregulation Policies, …
2. Seal the Border and stop the Migrant Invasion
… restore every Border Policy of the Trump administration and halt all releases of Illegal Aliens into the interior. … complete the Border Wall, shift massive portions of Federal Law Enforcement to Immigration Enforcement,
…deploy the U.S. Navy to impose a full Fentanyl Blockade on the waters of our Region—boarding and inspecting ships to look for fentanyl and
… invoke the Alien Enemies Act to remove all known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members from the United States, ending the scourge of Illegal Alien gang violence once and for all. We will bring back the Travel Ban, and use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their Home Countries
…committed to sending Illegal Aliens back home and removing those who have violated our Laws.
… keep foreign Christian-hating Communists, Marxists, and Socialists out of America.
…. prioritize Merit-based immigration…
3 Build the greatest economy in history
… America First Economic Agenda rests on five pillars: Slashing Regulations, cutting Taxes, securing Fair Trade Deals, ensuring Reliable and Abundant Low Cost Energy, and championing Innovation.
….implement Transparency and Common Sense in rulemaking.
…. Double(d) the standard (tax) deduction, expanded the Child Tax Credit, … eliminate Taxes on Tips
… bring our critical Supply Chains back home. ….and renegotiating failed agreements.
… streamline permitting, and end market-distorting restrictions on Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal. ….make America Energy Independent …
repeal Joe Biden’s dangerous Executive Order that hinders AI Innovation, and imposes Radical Leftwing ideas on the development of this technology. …, Republicans support AI Development rooted in Free Speech …
… robust Manufacturing Industry in Near Earth Orbit, send American Astronauts back to the Moon, and onward to Mars, and enhance partnerships
… reducing Housing, Education, and Healthcare costs, while lowering everyday…
… reduce mortgage rates by slashing Inflation, open limited portions of Federal Lands to allow for new home construction, promote homeownership through Tax Incentives and….
… support the creation of additional, drastically more affordable alternatives to a traditional four-year College degree.
… increase Transparency, promote Choice and Competition, and expand access to new Affordable Healthcare and prescription drug options. … protect Medicare, and ensure Seniors receive the care they need …
… baseline Tariffs on Foreign-made goods, pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, and respond to unfair Trading practices.
… revoke China’s Most Favored Nation status, phase out imports of essential goods, and stop China from buying American Real Estate and Industries.
Regulations, cancelling Biden’s Electric Vehicle and other Mandates, and preventing the importation of Chinese vehicles.
… bring critical Supply Chains back to the U.S…
… banning companies that outsource jobs from doing business with the Federal Government.
… protect Medicare’s finances from being financially crushed by the Democrat plan to add tens of millions of new illegal immigrants to the rolls of Medicare. We vow
…. focus on Chronic Disease prevention and management, Long-Term Care, and Benefit flexibility. … expand access to Primary Care and support Policies that help Seniors remain in their homes …
… shift resources back to at-home Senior Care, overturn disincentives that lead to Care Worker shortages, and support unpaid Family Caregivers through Tax Credits and reduced
…ending Teacher Tenure, adopting Merit pay, and allowing various publicly supported Educational models.
…Universal School Choice in every State in America. We will expand 529 Education Savings Accounts and support Homeschooling
…Education to prepare students for great jobs and careers, supporting project-based learning and schools that offer meaningful work experience. We will expose politicized education models …
… overhauling standards on school discipline, advocate for immediate suspension of violent students, …
… restore Parental Rights in Education, and enforce our Civil Rights Laws to stop schools from discriminating on the basis of Race. We trust Parents!
…. taught fundamentals like Reading, History, Science, and Math, not Leftwing propaganda. We will defund schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination …
….1776 Commission, promote Fair and Patriotic Civics Education, an
…. First Amendment Right to Pray and Read the Bible in school…
…close the Department of Education in Washington, D.C. and send it back to the States, where it belongs….
….Culture that values the Sanctity of Marriage, the blessings of childhood, the foundational role of families, and supports working parents.
… restore safety in our neighborhoods by replenishing Police Departments, restoring Common Sense Policing, and protecting Officers from frivolous lawsuits. We will stand up to Marxist Prosecutors, vigorously defend the Right of every American to live in peace, and we will compassionately address homelessness to restore order to our streets.
…. reassert greater Federal Control over Washington, DC to restore Law and Order in our
…end luxury housing and Taxpayer benefits for Illegal Immigrants and use those savings to shelter and treat homeless Veterans. …restore Trump Administration reforms to expand Veterans' Healthcare Choices, protect
… fire Radical Left accreditors (in education), drive down Tuition costs, restore Due
Republicans condemn antisemitism, and support revoking Visas of Foreign Nationals who support terrorism and jihadism. We will hold accountable those who perpetrate violence against Jewish people.
….support the restoration of Classic Liberal Arts Education.
…. offer a clear, precise, and USA oriented plan to stop the Radical Left Democrats’ Weaponization of Government and its Assault on American Liberty.
… declassify Government records,
… ban the Federal Government from colluding with anyone to censor Lawful Speech, defund institutions engaged in censorship,
We are the defenders of the First Amendment Right to Religious Liberty.
that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People. We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers
Keep men out of womens sport, ban taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries _
implement measures to secure our Elections, including Voter ID, highly sophisticated paper ballots, proof of Citizenship, and same day Voting. We will
….return Peace through Strength, rebuilding our Military and Alliances, countering China, defeating terrorism, building an Iron Dome Missile Defense Shield, promoting American Values, securing our Homeland and Borders, and reviving our Defense Industrial Base. We will build a Military bigger, better, and stronger than ever before.
….ensure our Military is the most modern, lethal and powerful Force in the World. We will
Republicans will strengthen Alliances by ensuring that our Allies must meet their obligations to invest in our Common Defense and by restoring Peace to Europe. We will stand with Israel, and seek peace in the Middle East. We will rebuild our Alliance Network in the Region to ensure a future of Peace, Stability, and Prosperity. …. champion Strong, Sovereign, and Independent Nations in the Indo-Pacific, thriving in Peace
President Trump has completed Hundreds of Miles of Wall, and he will quickly finish the job.
…. crack down hard on the cartels that traffic drugs and people
Our Policy must be to revive our Industrial Base, with priority on Defense-critical industries
Ken, you are a genius for going to the source document like this.
Thanks so much.
This will shake up the world and force every other country to lift its game.
The tariffs are the only problem as people don't realise that tariffs are simply a tax on your own citizens to disguise the fact that you have let your own cost structure to get out of control (union thuggery etc, as we see in Australia)
I think that tariffs have a place. Losing our motor vehicle industry not only lost jobs and skills, but affected the very physci of our nation. There is something profound about making things.
The Trump/GOP manifesto seeks to restore what is good. Thanks Ken.