112,000 Views - Apparently Im 'trending'. Ohhhh!
What they are doing is effectively saying if you are self-employed...you are not an adult, you can't control your own money...in other words you are stupid.
This week I had a political staffer, who I deal with on advocacy work, contact me to say that I was ‘trending.’ Being not quite sure what this meant I soon received a tweet forwarded to me by someone else.
Another person (unknown to me) has taken a 5-minute clip from a longer interview I did on Spectator TV recently and posted this on Twitter. This has had 112,000 views in around 36 hours and continues to grow.
Goodness! Am I now an ‘influencer’? Should I contact a cosmetics company to sponsor me?? Ummm…I suspect NOT!!! Wrong sort of influence! Wrong sort of face!
The Twitter post is here. And it’s embedded in this image from the Twitter feed.
(It seems you need a Twitter account to view this)
It’s pleasing to see that a message might be resonating.
The legislative agenda being pushed by the government, to treat self-employed people as employees, sounds deceptively simple. To explain it’s harm however, seems to require extensive explanation. But in any communication, the really hard thing is to explain something simply! Hopefully, I might have achieved ‘simplicity’ in this tweet post. (But thanks to the people who took something raw and packaged it really well!)
The earlier, longer posts I’ve done on this issue include’
· Employee-like: A radical agenda (27 May 2023)
· To Gig or Not to Gig (9 June 2023)
· War Against Tradies (28 June 2023)
· A Serious Look at being a Little Bit Pregnant. (2 April 2023)
For all of us who are self-employed (freelancers, independent contractors - whatever term used) this is a direct attack against our right to be our own boss, to control our own destiny. We need to understand this!